Austin’s Story

On October 31, 2017

Austin is one of our young clients that Sister Pat met last month in the parking lot. He was waiting for his mother to finish checking out at the clothing bank.  Sister Pat chatted with him for a bit and he told her that he had just celebrated his 10th birthday.  After they discussed the amazing fact that from now on he would always have two digits in his age, a sign that he was really growing up, she commented on the great book bag he was holding.  Austin stood quietly for a moment.  He then looked up at her and said, “This book bag is my birthday miracle.”

Austin went on to tell Sister Pat that at the end of the school year, some of his classmates had been taunting him about his worn-out book bag.  He wanted to start the new school year with a new one that matched those of his classmates and had asked his mom if he could have one for his birthday.  She had told him that a new book bag would be pretty expensive and she didn’t think that was going to happen.  She had taped his old book bag together inside and out.  “I think this will work for another year,” she had told him.

“At Sunday school, I learned that if I asked God for something, I would receive it.  So I have been asking God every Sunday for a new book bag.  And look!  Here it is!  And it’s not even just a plain book bag!  It has all these extra pockets and it is just the right size.  My mom said it’s like a miracle!”

Austin’s miracle happened because of the generosity of people like you! 

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