Earlier this month many of our clothing bank clients were looking for something extra special for their loved ones for Valentine’s Day. Richard was one of these clients.
“I am looking for a special gift for my wife,” he explained to a volunteer. “We have had a hard year because of my hours being cut back. My wife has never complained even once. She just tells me not to worry and that God will take care of us. She’s very careful with our money and would be so upset if I bought her anything. I was hoping to find a gift here for her for Valentine’s Day.”
The volunteer thought for a moment and then excused herself. When she returned, Richard’s eyes lit up. “This is the perfect gift!” he said. The volunteer handed him a carefully packaged, stylish purse filled with makeup, spa body products, a scarf and even dark chocolate!
“She never buys herself these things. She will absolutely love this gift! Thank you so much for putting this together for her.”
Thank you for making lives better for people in our community who need just a little extra help!